Seyoung is currently a PhD student in Urban Studies program at the Portland State University, with a specialization in community development and planning. Her research focuses on reinvestment and the repair of the urban fabric in marginalized immigrant communities of color through an equity lens. She holds a Master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin, and another Master’s degree in Urban Planning and Engineering from Yonsei University in Korea. She has a BS in Urban Planning and Engineering and BA in Public Administration from Yonsei University.
The project aims to understand the nature of gentrification, and displacement, and exclusion in American cities. It focuses on creating tools to help communities identify the pressures surrounding them and take more effective action.
Citing this website? Use the following:
Chapple, K., & Thomas, T., and Zuk, M. (2021). Urban Displacement Project website. Berkeley, CA: Urban Displacement Project.
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