Mapping Displacement and Gentrification in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, has an influential global economy and extensive cultural reach. In the late 2000s the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, created an economic districts program that has been designated in lower-income neighborhoods in the city. Issues of gentrification and displacement are prevalent in Buenos Aires like many cosmopolitan cities across the globe. However, many scholars have cited that the mechanisms that drive issues of issues of gentrification and displacement have differed from the global north and the global south.
Through the support of the Urban Displacement project and Professor Karen Chapple, seven Masters in City and Regional Planning students at the University of California Berkeley embarked on a semster long mixed method research project to explore the following research questions:
● What have been the patterns of neighborhood change in the district-designated Parque Patricios and La Boca neighborhoods in Buenos Aires, Argentina?
● To what extent do external interventions like economic district designations generate neighborhood change?
● By contextually modifying the UDP vulnerability index and typologies, can we characterize and describe displacement in Buenos Aires?